Trading Definitions
- What is a CFD?
- What is an MT4 ECN account?
- Can I trade Cryptos with bonuses I've received?
- What is Ripple?
- What is Ethereum?
- At what price is a short position closed?
- What is slippage? / SL/Gap
- What does “Leverage” mean?
- What is a Pipette?
- Why do Forex prices stop at certain times at night?
- What is Bitcoin Gold?
- What is Bitcoin Cash?
- What is the basic concepts behind Forex trading?
- What cryptocurrencies can I trade with AvaTrade?
- Can you give an example of why I would want to sell an FX option?
- Can I trade spot FX on the same platform?
- What are Lots?
- What are the trading hours?
- What is a trailing stop?
- What is "hedging"?
- Are the margin requirements the same for all instruments?
- What is a spread?
- Who trades in the Forex market?
- What is the difference between a Pip And a Tick?
- Why trade Cryptocurrencies?
- What are cryptocurrencies?
- When is cryptocurrencies’ trading available?
- Do I own cryptocurrencies with AvaTrade?
- What is Bitcoin?
- What is Litecoin?