Technical Issues
Compliance & Verification
General Information
Trading & Platform

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i update my phone number?

If you wish to update your phone number listed in your account, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your My Account area;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1._login.png
  2. Click on the Personal details tab on the left;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2._Personal_Details.png
  3. Identify the Phone number in the Personal Details box;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3._Personal_details_box.PNG
  4. click on the pencil icon 4._edit_icon.png to edit it;              
  5. Update with the correct phone, and click Submit:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5._Update_phone_number.PNG

The phone number will show with the new number you saved.

How do I change my password from the My Account area?

To change your password:

  1. Login to your trading account with your email address and password;1.png

  2. Click on Personal Details Tab; 

  3. Scroll down to Change Password section;
    1. Click on the pencil icon – located on the right;2.png

    2. Insert your current password and create a new one;

    3. Pay attention to the acceptable password requirements and guidelines.

    4. Click on Submit   3.png

    5. You will receive e password changed confirmation message   4.png

How do I retrieve my forgotten password?

If you need to change your password, you can do so in two different ways; this article will show how to change your password from your My Account Area, below are instructions for changing your password using the forgot your password widget in the login page. 

  1. Click on the Forgot your password? link under the login widget.


  2. Type your email address (the same address you registered on AvaTrade) and click Submit.


  3. Click on Return to Login after you receive the confirmation that the email for setting the password has been changed,
  4. Identify the email you receive from AvaTrade and click on the Continue Here button to proceed to change your password,
  5. Enter your Date of Birth by Month, Day and Year, then choose your new password,
  6. Once all the requirements for the password are met (a green tick appears next to the requirement, under the form), you can confirm by clicking on the "Change Password!" button,PSW_req.png
  7. Return to the login page and enter your email address and New password.

How do I change the language settings in My Account?

Should you need to change the language in which your My Account area is displayed, follow these simple steps and select from among 25 different languages at your disposal.

Once logged into your My Account area, you will need to: 

  1. Select Personal Details from the left menu;
  2. Identify the line corresponding to the desired language, in the Personal Details box;
  3. Click on the edit (pencil) button edit_icon.png on the line corresponding to the language
  4. Select the language of your choice;
  5. Click on Submit;
  6. Your My Account area will refresh and appear in the language of your choice.

How can I update my account information?

In the event you wish to change any of your account details information, please see below which details can be updated:

This article explains how to change the language settings in your account and the language settings in your MT4 Platform

This article explains how to update the phone number in your Account, or how to update your account password

If you wish to update your email address or registered name, please contact Customer Services.

Does AvaTrade offer pay interest rates on deposits?

A groundbreaking development for our VIP clients – we now pay interest on our traders’ free margin. Get more for your money.

This exclusive feature is available for Diamond, Platinum and Gold accounts with Equity greater than $10,000. We understand the importance of recognising and rewarding your commitment to us, and this offering is designed to do just that.

The interest rate calculation will be performed daily, ensuring your earnings are always current. Payments will be made on a monthly basis, at the beginning of each month, adding a layer of convenience to your financial planning.

*AvaTrade's Interest rates are annual, paid monthly: 

Diamond Platinum Gold
 USD: 3%  USD: 2%  USD: 1.5%
 EUR: 2%  EUR: 1%  EUR: 0.5%
 GBP: 2.5%  GBP: 1.5%  GBP: 1%


Should you decide to upgrade to a Diamond/Platinum/Gold account during the month, rest assured that the interest rate calculation will start from the beginning of the month in which you become a Diamond/Platinum/Gold account holder. We want your transition to be as smooth as possible.

*Please note that rates are subject to immediate change.

For any additional questions or concerns, please contact our client support team.

Where can I find my monetary transaction history in My Account?

If you wish to download and examine your transactions history, aside from your trading history, please follow this step-by-step guide to make sure you will always have your statements ready at hand.

  1.  First thing you will need to log into your My Account area with your email  address & Password;
  2. In the left menu you will find, last from the top, the My Info tab;
  3. You can select the specific Trading Account you are interested in by clicking on the cascade menu and selecting/deselecting each Account;
  4. Once the report includes all the Accounts you need, you can choose to Download or email an encrypted PDF file.

Please note: the password to the file is your unique Client ID that is reported right under the Download button:

Where can I see my trading history?

You can view your account history by using one of the following methods:

  • Access your trading history via the reports feature that is available directly from MetaTrader4; Make sure that the 'Terminal' window is open (if it's not, go to the 'View' tab and click on 'Terminal').
    1. Go to "Account history" on the Terminal (bottom tab bar);

    2. Right click anyplace -> Select "Save as report" -> click "Save"
      This will open your account statement which will open in your browser on a new tab.
    3. If you right click on the browser page and select “Print” you should have the option to save as PDF.
    4. You will be able to save or print it directly from the Browser.
    5. More information on the reports can be found on the 'Client Terminal - User Guide' in the 'Help' window on the platform.

What is a TIN (Tax Identification Number) and why do I need to provide it?

A Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier issued by government tax authorities to individuals and organizations for tracking tax obligations and payments. TIN formats vary across different countries and can include letters, digits, symbols, or a combination of all these elements. Depending on the jurisdiction, a TIN might be known by different names, such as the National Insurance Number (NIN), Social Security Number (SSN), Employer Identification Number (EIN), or Personal Identification Number (PIN).

For AvaTrade, providing your TIN is a regulatory requirement. This information is crucial to comply with international financial regulations and ensure proper tax reporting.

You can find your TIN on various official documents, depending on the issuing country. For instance, in the UK, the TIN is referred to as the National Insurance Number (NIN) and can be located on payslips, P60s, letters concerning tax, pensions, benefits, or through your personal tax account.

If you are unsure of your TIN, it's recommended to consult your local tax authority for assistance.

Examples of Common TINs:

  • France: Numéro Fiscal de Référence (NIF)
  • Italy: Codice Fiscale (CF)
  • Spain: Documento Nacional de Identidad / Numero de Identidad de Extranjero (DNI / NIE)
  • Portugal: Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF)
  • Ireland: Personal Public Service Number (PPS)

Ensuring that your TIN is correctly reported helps AvaTrade comply with tax regulations and safeguards your account from any potential compliance issues.

For an example of how a Tax Identification Number appears for your country, please visit the link.

How do I know if my account is Verified?

In order to improve our clients’ experience and expedite the accounts verification process, clients can now see their account status and if their documents have been approved or rejected, and why.

The account Verification Status shows in the Upload Documents Tab (on the left side of your My Account page). Once you open that tab, you will see on the top of the page:

  • If your account has been verified: (screen shot) Your Account is Verified.
  • If your account has not been verified: (screen shot) Your Account is Not Verified

After you upload the documents into your account, the document verification team will review the document within 1 business day. Once done, the status will change:

  • If the document is approved, it will show a green check mark next to it:
  • If the Document has been rejected, the status will change to Rejected and below it, will specify what needs to be uploaded instead or corrected in the uploaded document.

Please Note: under the strict regulatory requirement to which AvaTrade is obligated, accounts that are not verified within 14 days of their first deposit are subject to being blocked.

How do I apply to become a professional Trader?

Due to the ESMA regulation effective July 29th 2018, All EU countries trader’s accounts leverage were substantially lowered.

You may Increase your account leverage levels by applying to become a Professional Trader.  

You can apply directly from your My Account Area:

  1. In your My Account Area, in the left tabs, select the "Professional Trader" tab,
  2. Go over the requirements and locate the ones that are relevant to your application,
  3. Select the respective check boxes of the requirements that are relevant to your application for Professional Trader status and fill in the requested details, then click on Continue;
  4. Acquire and agree with the Informative you are presented before clicking the "Submit" button to file your Professional Trader application,
  5. If one of the requirements you match is a sufficient trading history, at this point you will be requested to upload an Account Statement of your Trading Account (with AvaTrade or other Brokers);
    1. Click on the arrow to Browse for the relevant file on your PC and select it;                                             
    2. Then Click on the Upload Button;                                                                                                                                                                      upload.png
    3. Wait for the completion check sign.                                                                                                                                                                 completed.png
    4. You can always upload the required documents later via the Upload Document page, please read this article for instructions how to upload documents later, just remember to scroll down to the Professional trader verification section of that page.

    5. Read and close the application completion message.


For instructions on how to upload documents into your My Account area:

How do I upload documents into My Account?

Avatrade operates under the strictest Regulatory Standards. This requires our Customers to verify their Account; thus, you can only upload the documentation through your My Account area.

To do so, simply follow this step by step guide:

  1. Login to your My Account area with your email address and password; 


  2. Click on the Upload Documents Tab on the left side of the page;           


  3. To upload your ID Card: 

    1. Chose the type of ID you wish to upload, click on the attachment icon, choose the document from your PC library, and click Open.                                

    2. Then, click the green Upload Button.                 
                                                                                  mceclip3.png ID_scan__002_.jpg                                               
  4. To upload your Proof of Address (Utility Bill): 

    1. Click on the attachment icon, choose the document from your PC library, and click Open.               mceclip4.png

    2. Then, click the green Upload Button.                                          

  5. You will see the uploaded documents Icon change and – in addition –the Upload date and Status: (for example, ‘Waiting for review’).                         

  6. Follow up within the next business day to see their status.

The status of the document you uploaded will change within the next 1 business day with either an approval or rejection right next to it.

Please note: All documents must be valid, clear, and full-page copies (all 4 corners visible). We cannot accept documents hosted on cloud services. Please check our verification requirements in the following article: 


What documents do I need to provide to verify my account?

How do I become an AVA Professional?

Ava Professionals must meet at least 2 out of 3 below criteria:

1. Sufficient trading activity in the last 12 months

You have carried out transactions, in significant size, on the relevant market at an average frequency of 10 per quarter over the previous four quarters (with AvaTrade and/or other providers). Relevant market – OTC Derivatives such as Leveraged CFDs, Forex, Spread Betting.

  • Recent account statements in pdf from trading accounts with regulated brokers is required as proof that you meet the trading requirement.

2. Relevant experience in the financial services sector

You work or have worked in the financial sector for at least one year in a professional position, which requires knowledge of the transactions or services envisaged.

• Relevant Financial Sector
• What is/was your role?
• Please specify the financial company where gained experience.

  • A letter from employer confirming that you were employed for more than a year in the financial sector and your role required knowledge of OTC leveraged derivatives/trading is required as proof that you meet the trading requirement relevant experience requirement.

3. Financial instrument portfolio of over €500,000 (including cash saving and financial instruments)
Financial instrument portfolio of over €500,000. Financial instruments includes shares, derivatives (only cash deposits made to fund/profits realised from investing in derivatives), debt instruments and cash deposits. It does not include property portfolios, direct commodity ownership or notional values of leveraged instruments.

  • Recent bank account statements (eStatements) and/or account statements in pdf from trading accounts with regulated brokers is required as proof that you meet the financial instrument portfolio of over €500,000 requirement.

I uploaded my documents. Is my account verified now?

As soon as your documents are uploaded to the My Account page, you will see their status in the Upload Documents section;

  • You will immediately see their status, for example: Waiting for Review with the upload time.
  • Once they are approved, you will see a green check mark next to the Document Type that has been approved.
  • If they are rejected, you will see their status changed to Rejected and what you are required to upload instead.

Once documents are uploaded to your account, the Document Verification team will review and process them within 1 business day.

Please make sure to upload all documents via your My Account to prevent any delays, you can find information on how to upload documents in the relevant section in our FAQ's.

Where do I send my documents for verification?

Verifying your account is quick and easy. All you need to do is upload your documents by logging into your AvaTrade account. Once you are logged in, go to the 'Upload Documents' section.

How to upload your documents:

  1. Log into your account with your email address and password.
  2. Click on the ‘Upload Documents’ button showing on the left side of the page,
  3. Choose the appropriate document type you are uploading;
  4. Click on the attachment icon (a paper clip); a window will open in which you can select the document (from your PC library). Click on Open, then click on the green Upload button.
  5. You will see the icon indicating the document type change (there is no need to upload more than one document per type).

Documents are processed within 1 business day (Saturdays and Sundays are not business days). You can also monitor the process on your account verification status.

Please note: All documents must be valid, clear and full page copies (all 4 corners visible). We cannot accept documents hosted on cloud services.



Please check our verification requirements in the following article:

What documents do I need to provide to verify my account?

Make sure your documents are saved in the correct format and that your file name contains letters or numbers only; any other characters will be invalid.

  • Please note that clients from European countries must verify their accounts before depositing.

What documents do I need to provide in order to open an account?

Kattintson ide a magyar verzió megtekintéséhez vagy böngésszen lentebb


In order to verify your account you will need to provide the following documents:

    1. Proof of Identity - A colored copy of a valid government-issued ID
      • Passport
      • ID card
      • Driver’s license

    All documents must contain the following information: Name, picture, date of birth, date of expiry. The details must match the ones you registered your account with. Both sides of the ID card or the driver’s license should be sent.

  1. Proof of Address – The document should contain your name, address, and issue date - not older than 6 months and can be one of the following: 
    • Bank Statement/Credit Card Statement or Bank Details document
    • Electricity, water, or gas bill (Utility Bill)
    • Council tax bill
    • Mobile or land-line phone
    • Local authority waste disposal
    • Affidavit issued and signed from Police and Commissioner of oath
    • Letter from your local municipality
    • Internet bill 
    The details must match the ones you registered with. 


  • We do not accept any sort of Letters, Receipts, Medical documents, University or School documents, Tenancy contracts, Cropped documents, Screenshot copies, Documents older than 6 months, Documents with PO box address or Retail statements for verification.
  • All documents must be readable, easily viewed and identified with all corners clearly visible. If your document is password protected, please kindly provide the password to our client support.

For third party deposits, please send documents for both parties as listed above along with a signed POA (Power of Attorney) Form.

  • Please note that clients from European countries must verify their accounts before depositing.
  • Additionally, clients are required to add their Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) during the verification process.

If you are experiencing difficulties performing these actions, you may also Chat with us.

Milyen dokumentumokat kell bemutatnom a számlanyitáshoz?

 Fiókja ellenőrzéséhez a következő dokumentumokat kell benyújtania:


  1. Személyazonosság igazolása – Érvényes, államilag kibocsátott személyazonosító okmány színes másolata
  • Útlevél
  • Személyi igazolvány
  • Jogsi


Minden dokumentumnak tartalmaznia kell a következő adatokat: Név, kép, születési idő, lejárati idő. Az adatoknak meg kell egyeznie azokkal, amelyekkel regisztrálta a fiókját. A személyi igazolvány vagy a jogosítvány mindkét oldalát el kell küldeni.



  1. Címigazolás – A dokumentumnak tartalmaznia kell az Ön nevét, címét és a kiállítás dátumát – 6 hónapnál nem régebbi, és a következők egyike lehet:
  • Bankszámlakivonat/Hitelkártya-kivonat vagy Bankadatok dokumentum
  • Villany-, víz- vagy gázszámla (közüzemi számla)
  • Tanácsadó törvényjavaslat
  • Mobil vagy vezetékes telefon
  • Helyi önkormányzati hulladékkezelés
  • Rendőrségi és esküi biztos által kiállított és aláírt eskü alatt tett nyilatkozat
  • Levél a helyi önkormányzattól
  • Internet számla

Az adatoknak meg kell egyeznie a regisztrált adatokkal.


  • Nem fogadunk el semmilyen levelet, nyugtát, orvosi dokumentumokat, egyetemi vagy iskolai dokumentumokat, bérleti szerződéseket, levágott dokumentumokat, képernyőképmásolatokat, 6 hónapnál régebbi dokumentumokat, postafiókcímet tartalmazó dokumentumokat vagy kiskereskedelmi nyilatkozatokat ellenőrzés céljából.
  • Minden dokumentumnak olvashatónak, könnyen megtekinthetőnek és azonosíthatónak kell lennie, minden sarkában jól láthatónak kell lennie. Ha dokumentuma jelszóval védett, kérjük, adja meg a jelszót ügyfélszolgálatunknak.


Harmadik fél általi betét esetén mindkét félnek küldje el a fent felsorolt ​​dokumentumokat az aláírt POA (meghatalmazás) űrlappal együtt.


  • Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy az európai országokból származó ügyfeleknek a befizetés előtt ellenőrizniük kell számláikat.\
  • Ezenkívül az ügyfeleknek meg kell adniuk adófizetői azonosítószámukat (TIN) az ellenőrzési folyamat során.

Ha nehézségeket tapasztal ezen műveletek végrehajtása során, segítségért forduljon csevegés velünk.

How do I cancel a Withdrawal request?

If you have made a withdrawal request within the last day and it's still in the Pending status, you can cancel it by logging into your My Account area;

  1. Open the "Withdrawal Funds" tab on the left;

  2. There you can see the "Pending Withdrawals" section;                                                                                                                                
  3. Click on it and mark the withdrawal request you wish to cancel by selecting the box;
  4. At this point you can click on the "Cancel withdrawals" button;
  5. The funds will return into your trading account and the request is cancelled.

Please note: Withdrawal requests are processed within 24 business hours of the time they are requested (Saturdays and Sundays are not considered business days).

How do I withdraw funds?

Want to withdraw funds from your account? No problem!

Please follow these simple steps:

  1. Log into your trading account with your email address and password.
  2. Once logged in, go to the withdrawal section.


  3. Fill out an online withdrawal form through your account. 

    WD page.png

  4. Your withdrawal will be processed within the next 24 business hours.

 Please note: In order to complete your withdrawal, your account must be fully verified

For more information on withdrawal methods you can also read the article:

What are the available withdrawal methods?

What are the available withdrawal methods?

Due to anti-money laundering rules, withdrawals can only be sent via payment methods by which you funded your account with. Please note that you must withdraw up to 100% of your deposit to your credit/debit card, and only then you may withdraw by another method in your own name as you instruct.

For example: if you deposited $1,000 by credit card and made a $1,200 profit, the first $1,000 you withdraw must go back to the same credit card, before you can withdraw the profits by a different method, such as wire transfer, and other e-payment methods (for non-EU clients only).

If you made a deposit via 3rd party you must withdraw 100% of the deposit transaction on the first payment method.


How long does it take to receive my withdraw funds?

Withdrawals are typically processed and sent within 1 business day.

Once the withdrawal is approved and processed, it may take some additional days to receive the payment:

  • For Credit/Debit Cards - up to 5 business days
  • For e-wallets - up to 1 days  
  • For E-wire - up to 3 days
  • For Wire transfers - up to 10 business days (depending on your country and Bank)

Kindly note: Saturday and Sunday are not considered business days

How long does it take to deposit?

AvaTrade offers multiple deposit methods and their processing times differ.
Before you go ahead and fund your account, please make sure that the verification process of your account is completed and that all of your uploaded documents have been approved.

If you use a regular credit/debit card, the payment should be credited instantly*. If there is any delay, please contact Customer Services.

E-payments (i.e. Moneybookers (Skrill)) will be credited within 24 hours, deposits by wire transfer can take up to 10 business days, depending on your bank and country (please make sure to send us a copy of the swift code or receipt for tracking).

*If this is your first credit card deposit it may take up to 1 business day to credit the funds to your account due to security verification.

  • Please note: From 1/1/2021, all European banks applied a 3D security authentication code, to increase the security for online credit/debit card transactions. If you are experiencing issues with receiving your 3D secure code, we suggest contacting your bank for assistance.
  • Clients from European countries must verify their accounts before depositing.

    For more information on how to verify your account, please read the following articles:

    What documents do I need to provide in order to open an account?

    How do I upload documents into My Account?

What is the minimum amount I need to deposit in order to open an account?

The minimum deposit amount depends on the base currency of your account* :

Deposit Via Credit card, Wire Transfer or E-wallets:
USD account – USD $100
EUR account – €100
GBP** account – £100
AUD** account – AUD $100

**AUD is only available for Australian clients, GBP is only available for clients from the UK.

What should I do if the credit card I used to deposit has since expired?

If your credit card has expired since your last deposit you can easily update your AvaTrade Account with your new one.

When you are ready to make your next deposit, simply log into your account and follow the regular deposit steps by entering the new credit card details and click on the Deposit.png button.

Your new card will appear in the Deposit section above any previously used credit card(s).

For a step by step on how to complete a deposit, please read the article: How do I make a deposit?

If you experience any issues, you can always contact Customer Services.

How do I disconnect my account from an Auto Trading platform?

In order to disconnect from an Auto Trading platform, please follow the steps below:

  • How to disconnect from DupliTrade:

Prior to disconnecting from DupliTrade, your open positions need to be closed. These positions can be closed manually on your trading platform, you may also disconnect from your chosen strategy provider on DupliTrade by selecting “Live account Settings”, followed by “Disconnect”.

This option allows you to either manage the closure manually or let the strategy close it for you. Once positions have been closed, please Contact us requesting your account to be disconnected. Always remember to include your account number in your email.

  • How to disconnect from ZuluTrade:

Prior to disconnecting from ZuluTrade, your open positions need to be closed. These positions can be closed manually on your trading platform or by logging into your ZuluTrade account and selecting “Close Trade” in the positions tab.

Once positions have been closed, please Contact us and request your account to be disconnected from ZuluTrade.

Always remember to include your account number in your email.

  • How to disconnect from MQL5 signal:

To disconnect from MQL5 signal, please go to your MT4 platform and select from the Taskbar: ‘Tools’ and then ‘Options’. Within the Signals tab, deselect “Enable real-time signal subscription”.

No operations will be copied to your account after this option has been disabled.  

Please Note: Please make sure to unsubscribe from any trading system you chose, so that there are no positions open when the account is disconnected. The account can NOT be disconnected if there are any open positions or pending orders.

What is a CFD?

Contracts For Difference (CFDs) are popular Over The Counter (OTC) financial derivative products, which enable you to trade on the price movement of financial assets, including Indices, Futures, Commodities, Shares, and Exchange Traded Funds, without actually owning the underlying Asset.

The main benefit of trading CFDs is the flexibility to trade against price movements without actually buying or selling the physical financial assets. Our CFDs derive their price from the underlying asset. You can trade CFDs if you believe the price of a financial instrument is likely to go up in value (strengthen,) and also if you think it is likely to go down (weaken). Your profit or loss in online CFD trading is determined by the difference between the price you buy and the price you sell.

What is the minimum Balance on a Demo Account?

Demo Accounts are meant for traders to practice trading and get accustomed to the features on AvaTrade's platforms before funding their account with real money.

For this reason AvaTrade's policy is to provide only a standard Demo balance, set at $/€/£ 10,000, so to allow sufficient margin for practice.

What can I trade with AvaTrade?

AvaTrade is dedicated to providing a variety of instruments across all major markets. Please review the list of available financial instruments and their information.

  • Please note the tabs above the table, to change the type of instruments you are viewing
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